Townstall and St Saviour in Dartmouth, Deanery of Totton

Chanter 225B, 483-484

  1. Population and dissenters: There are several Hundred Families in the Parishes of Townstall and Saint Saviours Darmouth; But the Exact number I know not.
    Many Presbyterians who have a Meeting House, and Mr Samuel Adams for Their Teacher, which, I presume, Is Licenc'd. A Few Anabaptists, without Meeting House or Teacher. No Roman Catholick or Quaker.

  2. Public or charity schools: No Charity School, But one Grammar and One Writing School with small Endowments Regularly Paid. Due care Is Taken to Instruct the Children in the Principles of the Christian Religion according to the Doctrine of the Church of England, and They are Brought to Church to be Catechis'd.

  3. Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: One Alms House for Sailors Widows without Endowment. Townstall Church is Repair'd by the Parishioners and Saint Saviours by the Corporation. Several Benefactions for Bread and Otherwise, under the direction of <the> Mayor and Magistrates Manag'd without Fraud or Abuse that I know of or have Heard.

  4. Residence upon cure: I Live in the Town, but not Strictly within my Parish There being no Vicarage House.

  5. Curate: Mr Nicolas Adams the Grammar School Master, who Is Licenc'd to serve St Petrox, Preaches once Every Sunday at Townstall, He has five Pounds a year from the Corporation and Five Pounds from me for so doing, with the surplice Fees of Townstall.

  6. Divine service at other churches: I Rarely Preach at any Church but Townstall, and Saint Saviours, and, as oblig'd, at South=Poole.

  7. Frequency of divine service: Two Sermons at Saint Saviours Every Lord's day, Prayers and a Homily Every Saints day, and Prayers all Wednesdays and Fridays. I Preach once a Month at Townstall.

  8. Frequency of communion: Every month and all the Great Festivals at Saint Saviours and Four Times in the year at Townstall.

  9. Number of communicants: I Cannot Exactly say How many communicants there are in my Parish: But I have usually about Fourscore at Saint Saviours monthly and Generally more than a Hundred at the Festivals; Had so Last Easter. Between Thirty and Forty at Townstall.

  10. Catechising of children: I usually Catechize <a Good Number of> the Children the greatest Part of the Summer.

  11. Chapels or chapels in ruins: Only the Parish Church of Townstall and Chapel of Saint Saviours appendant to It; which are Both Kept in Good Repair.

    Hen Holdsworth Vicar of Townstall and Saint Saviours Dartmouth.

    Townstall and Saint Saviour V. Hen Holdsworth AM
    Inst. Dec. 9. 1726. Presb. Feb. 18. 1721. Tho. Norvi. [Explanation]